18th July 2019, Kuala Lumpur – MyWorld Rewards launched the MRCA MasterCard Card, in collaboration with Malaysia Retail Chain Association (MRCA) and MasterCard, in conjunction with the Opening Ceremony of Malaysia International Retail & Franchise (MIRF) Exhibition, at KL Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur today.
The launch was officiated by Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP), YB Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail alongside MyWorld Group Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Datuk Dr Sunny Tan, and Malaysia Retail Chain Association (MRCA) President, Dato’ Garry Chua.
MyWorld group managing director and chief executive officer Datuk Dr Sunny Tan said in a media briefing that the company aims that 30 MRCA members would be on board before end of 2019 and were targeting for 10,000 card subscribers in the first year.
“Along with our preferred partner Mastercard, we are now pleased to introduce the MRCA Card, a Mastercard prepaid card, which will allow our customers’ to load a desired amount, which can then be used in lieu of cash at participating MRCA outlets and received purchase benefits such as 100% rebate or 1:1 rewards. The accumulated rewards earned can be used to redeem rewards or can be utilised for their next purchase,” said Datuk Dr Sunny Tan.
“We are continuously working to form new partnerships and improve the MRCA Card member base – we are currently working closely with Tourism Malaysia and Angkatan Koperasi Kebangsaan Malaysia Berhad (ANGKASA), which can translate a strong base of millions members” added Datuk Dr Sunny Tan.
马来西亚零售连锁协会万事达卡(MRCA MASTERCARD CARD)于马来西亚国际连锁加盟展MIRF 2019正式推介
由马来西亚零售连锁协会(MRCA)举办的第4届马来西亚国际连锁加盟展(Malaysia International Retails & Franchise Exhibition, MIRF),于2019年7月18日盛大开幕,吸引国内、国外的参展商、参观者前来共襄盛举。
这次的展览会由7月18日起举行至20日,为期3天在吉隆坡会议中心举行。迈沃集团(Myworld Group)配合这次盛大的展览会,在开幕仪式上推介“马来西亚零售连锁协会万事达卡”(MRCA Mastercard Card),这是一项迈沃集团与万事达卡以及马来西亚零售连锁协会合作的计划。
马来西亚零售连锁协会万事达卡是由国内贸易及消费人事务部(KPDNHEP)部长拿督斯里赛弗丁(Y.Bhg Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail)、迈沃集团董事长拿督陈汉铭博士(Datuk Dr. Tan Hang Ming, Sunny)以及马来西亚零售连锁协会代表共同推介。推介礼结束后,部长拿督斯里赛弗丁也亲自到展厅参观迈沃集团的展位,以更进一步了解其业务发展。
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