22nd July 2019, Sepang – YAB Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia, has officially launched the Visit Malaysia 2020 campaign logo today at Kuala Lumpur International Airport simultaneously calling upon all Malaysians to embrace the campaign as a national mission to ensure its success. MYWORLD is very honoured to be invited by Ministry of Tourism Malaysia to attend this launching ceremony of logo VM2020, we’re looking forward to the collaboration with Tourism Malaysia in the very near future.
The campaign logo, part of the campaign’s marketing and promotional efforts, features various recognizable icons of Malaysia such as the hornbill, the bunga raya (hibiscus), the wild fern and colours of the Malaysia flag. Together, they represent the diversity of Malaysia’s culture, heritage, flora and fauna as well as experiences offered as a holiday destination.
The winning entry by Alfred Phua Hong Fook, a graphic designer, was chosen from hundreds of submission from all over Malaysia during the competition period earlier this year.
YAB Tun Dr. Mahathir also witnessed the exchange of Memorandum of Joint Promotion ceremony between Tourism Malaysia and various parties, namely Malaysia Airlines, AirAsia, Firefly, Malindo Air, Malaysia AIRPORTS Holdings Berhad and Sharp (M) Electronics Sdn Bhd. This was followed by the unveiling of the Visit Malaysia 2020 aircraft livery on the four airlines.
The year 2020 has been designated as Visit Malaysia 2020 with targets of achieving 30 million international tourist arrivals and RM100 billion tourist receipts. The focus of the campaign is on ecotourism, arts and culture.
2020大马旅游年标志推介礼 迈沃集团受邀共襄盛举
首相敦马哈迪医生(Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohammad)于2019年7月22日在吉隆坡国际机场(KLIA),为“2020大马旅游年”的标志推介礼掀开序幕。他表示,政府希望明年可以成功实现3000万国际游客人次和1000亿令吉旅游收入的目标。
配合马来西亚的风土民情,2020大马旅游年的标志是以犀鸟丶大红花丶野生蕨及马来西亚国旗的颜色为主要设计元素。推介仪式上,敦马哈迪在旅游丶艺术及文化部长拿督莫哈末丁哥达比(Datuk Mohamaddin Ketapi)的陪同下,按下红色手掌按钮,正式推介2020大马旅游年的标志。迈沃集团(MyWorld Group)非常荣幸受到旅游丶艺术及文化部的邀请出席此推介礼。
迈沃集团董事长拿督陈汉铭博士(Datuk Dr. Tan Hang Ming, Sunny)表示,他很期待可以在近期内能与旅游丶艺术及文化部紧密合作,一起为马来西亚的旅游业做出贡献。政府希望2020大马旅游年能够吸引3000万名游客,主要的旅游卖点在生态旅游丶文化与艺术等方面。为了达到这项目标,政府也拨出500万令吉成立一个“马来西亚 GAMELAN”基金会,为市场与旅游业者提供协助。