17th September 2019, Selangor - Malaysia as a whole has an aim to be a sustaining, greener country by the end of 2020. The Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change Ministry had set a target of 20% of the country's electricity to be generated from renewable sources by 2030, but are we fulfilling that target?
Signify (previously known as Philips Lighting), who are moving towards connected lighting in line with being an all-connected, accessible innovator within the industry has pioneered many sustainable breakthroughs towards a more trendy and environmentally-conscious brand, and aims to be at the forefront of this lighting revolution. Since the LED revolution, lighting solutions are leaning towards energy-saving light-bulbs which are cost-saving in nature through the elimination of passive electrical consumption.
The company's recent initiative contributed towards the MAPFest Earth Hour celebration where Signify unveiled the soft launch of its 3Sekawan products. Focusing on reducing carbon emissions, the products which consisted of the Meson Surface Mount LED Downlight, UFO LED Bulb and the Stellar Bright LED T-Bulb were showcased alongside Philips Hue Wireless Lighting System in an experiential room dubbed the 'Signify Experience'. The proceeds from the event were donated to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) which gestured towards a shared goal for sustainable and clean energy lighting.
The company has also taken steps both locally and internationally to ensure our sustainable principle is well-voiced through the B2B and B2C sphere such as our Sustainable Operations Program which focuses on reducing carbon emissions, improving environmental and safety performance of our manufacturing facilities.
Internationally, Signify has been named Industry Leader in the Electrical Components and Equipment category of the 2018 Dow Jones Sustainability Index which is the highest level of recognition internationally on an index market. Signify is also delighted to have been acknowledged for our strong performance in sustainability, thanks to our ambitious sustainability program 'Brighter Lives, Better World'.
不断创新以迎合科技发展步伐的照明公司Signify公司,已经拟定明确方向以朝向全新物联网(Internet of Things,IoT)平台发展,以协助专业照明用户开启物联网时代智能互联照明的巨大潜力。
Signify Malaysia Sdn Bhd消费人销售主管符有康(Alston Foo)接受《智汇Moments》专访时表示:“公司不断地将定位从灯具供应商,转变成为高科技开发商,因此,除了修改组织结构,走向数字化,公司还扩大了其在智能应用市场的存在,并在亚洲建立物联网系统。”
“未来,我们所有的智能互联照明系统都会纳入Interact物联网平台之下,这套云平台能帮助管理者优化管理方式,提高系统运行的稳定性。通过分析我们智能互联照明产品,设备和系统收集的信息,我们希望能向客户提供基于数据的服务,创造新的可能性和新的体验。”符有康表示,在Interact物联网平台上,照明系统可通过屋主的个人流动装置依据其喜好定制化,还可以根据屋内气氛随时无线调整不同颜色的灯光,例如夕阳光及阅读光等各种亮度先选择。这平台也支持亚马逊Alexa,苹果HomeKit丶Google Assistant及Nest等智能家居平台的语音控制功能。
Signify Malaysia公司前身就是Philips Lighting Commersial Malaysia Sdn Bhd,它是于2018年配合母公司重组架构的步伐,而易名为现有的名称。
符有康表示,总部设在荷兰阿姆斯特丹的Signify公司,已经选定马来西亚为东盟的总部,所以,Signify Malaysia公司最近迁入位于梳邦再也的办公室。