16th Octorber 2019, Kuala Lumpur - The 3rd World Top Gourmet Awards 2019 and 1st World Top Tourism Awards 2019 is hold at the Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on Oct 16, 2019.The aim of the awards ceremonies was to honour personalities and organisations in the food & beverage and tourism industries. It was also to help the country boost its economy by increasing the Gross Domestic Product(GDP) through tourism besides attaining the Visit Malaysia Year 2020 target of 30 million foreign visitors and RM100 billion in earnings.
In the Gourmet Awards segment, a total of 84 recipients were presented with awards for their respective outstanding achievements. These were in the categories of Outstanding Restaurants, Outstanding MasterChefs, Outstanding Gourmet Personalities and Organisations.
Ms Peggy Chong, President of the World Top Gourmet Awards said: “We hope that this platform could help to recognise F&B operators who have contributed to the industry. Also, we hope that all F&B operators can gather to network and empower each other to continue the passion and set higher benchmarksto serve world class cuisines in Malaysia and in areas where they operate.”
Ms Peggy says that past recipients of the awards have found that the recognition had helped them in terms of publicity and branding because they had been recognised as outstanding in their specialised fields. Ms Ada Poon, President of the 2019 World Top Tourism Awards says that by giving industry players greater recognition, it would empower them to do even more and benefit the industry and country in the long run. “On our part, we aspire to promote the highest benchmark attainable internationally in Service, Travel, Tourism and Hospitality sectors. “We believe that this inter-connectivity with the various players will further empower diverse industry players in aspiring to be globalised players as we strongly encourage all tourism players here tonight to be world-class leaders in their own way. Collectively we aspire to be among the highest representation of Malaysian Tourism,”
she said in her speech at the event.
Thirty recipients received the World Top Tourism awards in the six categories of Hotels & Resorts, Travel Agencies, Tourism Products, Digital Tourism, Travel Photographers and Recreational activities & Attractions. The Minister of Entrepreneur Development, Yang Berhormat Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof, was the guest of honour at the function that was attended by more than 1,000 key industry players, officials of tourism promotion boards from Malaysia and neighbouring countries and government officials. Heartfelt thanks to Berjaya Times Square Hotel for the generous sponsorship for our Gala Dinner venue.
2019 年第三届世界顶级美食奖及 2019 年第一届世界顶级旅游奖经于2019 年 10 月 16 日,在吉隆坡成功时代广场酒店盛大举行。这项颁奖盛会旨在表彰餐饮业及旅游业的个人与企业。同时,也希望借此通过旅游业来提升国内生产总值,进而促进国家的经济成长,其中包括达成 2020 年大马旅游年的目标,即达成 3000 万国际游客人次及1000 亿令吉的旅游收入目标。在美食奖的环节中,共有 84 人凭卓越成就得奖。奖项包括有最佳餐厅、最佳名厨、餐饮业卓越个人奖以及卓越企业奖。
“我们相信通过促进内部的交流可达到多元发展,并能在国际市场争一杯羹。我们也鼓励今晚有出席盛会的业者各展所长,以晋身世界级领导者,因为我们也放眼成为马来西亚旅游业的领航者。” 潘艳虹在颁奖礼中表示。
今年的世界顶级旅游奖共有 30 人得奖,并分别有 6 个组别,即酒店和度假村、旅行社、旅游产品、数码旅游、旅游摄影及休闲活动和旅游景点。企业发展部长拿督斯里莫哈末里祖安是这项千人盛会的席上嘉宾,与会者也包括有业
界翘楚、来自我国及邻国的旅游促进局官员,以及政府高官等。特别感谢 Berjaya Times Square Hotel 赞助这次晚宴的场地。