19th July 2019, Kuala Lumpur – MyWorld is very honored to invite YB Tuan Chong Chieng Jen, Deputy Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs of Malaysia to visit our booth at Malaysia International Retail & Franchise (MIRF) Exhibition, at KL Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur today on 19th July. We’re happy to soft-launch our brand new entrepreneur lifestyle magazine 《智汇 MOMENTS》 Vol.5 – Womanpower Issue.
This comeback issue is expected to be established in September 2019, we are very glad to collaborate with the celebrity hairstylist, Albert Nico and the founder of Womenpreneur Movement, Angelld Quah for this special edition – WOMENPRENEUR. Thanks to Mr. Albert Nico and Ms. Angelld visited our booth for gracing the Womanpower Issue cover launching. It wouldn’t have been possible without their creative visions.
《智汇MOMENTS》女力号 即将以全新面貌回归
迈沃集团非常荣幸地邀请马来西亚国内贸易及消费事务部副部长张健仁(Y.Bhg Tuan Chong Chieng Jen)于7月19日前来马来西亚国际连锁加盟展(MIRF)参访展区,并且为旗下杂志商业时尚杂志《智汇 MOMENTS》女力号进行推介仪式,也为封面签下大名与合影留念。
最新一期的《智汇 MOMENTS》即将于2019年9月正式发行,这次非常荣幸有机会于明星发型师Albert Nico和 The Womenpreneur Movement创办人柯庭庭Angelld Quah一起合作推出这个特辑 — 她时代。感谢Albert Nico先生和柯庭庭当天特别抽空来参观我们的展位,以庆祝女力号的发行。